-1A Group Limited (1a space) ( 1a 空間)
-AKA Social Service (香港仔坊會)
-Agency for Volunteer Service (義務工作發展局)
-Alliance of Ex-mentally Ill of Hong Kong (香港精神康復者聯盟)
-Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (香港展能藝術會)
-Asia Society Hong Kong Center (亞洲協會香港中心)
-Asian Charity Services
-Big Silver Community Limited (大銀力量有限公司)
-Bo Charity Foundation Limited (小寶慈善基金)
-Building Healthy Kowloon Association (BHKCA) (建設健康九龍城協會)
-Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Chai Wan Centre (香港中華基督教青年會柴灣會所)
-Christian Concern for The Homeless Association (基督教關懷無家者協會)
-Christian Family Service Centre (基督教家庭服務中心)
-Codekey Cookies (點字曲奇)
-DADs Network Limited
-Direction Association for The Handicapped (路向四肢傷殘人士協會)
-Enable Foundation Ltd (啟民創社)
-Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong (基督教香港信義會社會服務部)
-Everbright Concern Action Limited (樂天關懷行動)
-Fantastic Dream Limited (網‧想‧正‧有限公司)
-Fu Hong Society (扶康會)
-Fung Ying Seen Koon Cheung Lung Wai Integrated Service Centre (蓬瀛仙館祥龍圍綜合服務中心)
-HKCCCU Kwong Yum Care Home (香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院)
-HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心)
-Hans Andersen Club Co Ltd (安徒生會)
-Healthy Hong Kong Limited (快樂港仁)
-Helping Hand (伸手助人協會)
-Hok Yau Club (學友社)
-Hong Kong Arts Centre (香港藝術中心)
-Hong Kong Association for AD/HD (專注不足 / 過度活躍症(香港)協會有限公司)
Hong Kong Children & Youth Services (香港青少年服務處)
-Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation Limited (童享慈善基金會)
-Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (香港家庭福利會)
-Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (香港傷殘青年協會)
-Hong Kong Playground Association (香港遊樂場協會)
-Hong Kong Rugby Union (香港欖球總會)
-Hong Kong Student Aids Society (香港學生輔助會)
-Hong Kong Unison Limited (香港融樂會)
-Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd (香港輪椅輔助隊)
-Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (香港基督教女青年會)
-InnovAGE Team, Christian Family Service Centre (基督教家庭服務中心創老工作室)
-Institute for Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong (香港沃土發展社)
-Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) (賽馬會創意藝術中心)
-Kids4Kids Limited (童協基金會)
-Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service (循道衛理觀塘社會服務處)
-Lee Hysan Foundation (利希慎基金)
-Life Commitment Charity Club Ltd (香港樂心會有限公司)
-Lok Kwan Social Service (樂群社會服務處)
-Mother's Choice (母親的抉擇)
-Nature Bathing (遊沐)
-New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (新生精神康復會)
-Outward Bound Hong Kong (香港外展)
-Rolling Books Limited (滾動的書有限公司)
-S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church District Elderly Community Centre (聖公會聖匠堂長者地區中心)
-Sai Kung District Community Centre (西貢區社區中心)
Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong (香港大學秀圃老年研究中心)
-Silver Power Intergeneration Volunteer Alliances Limited (「銀色力量」跨代義工聯盟)
-South Kwai Chung Social Service (南葵涌社會服務處)
-Sowers Action (苗圃行動)
-St. James' Settlement (聖雅各福群會)
-Suicide Prevention Services (生命熱線)
-TWGHs Jockey Club Tai Kok Tsui Integrated Services Centre (東華三院賽馬會大角咀綜合服務中心)
-TWGHs Jockey Club Tsin Cheung Day Activity Centre cum Hostel (賽馬會展翔日間活動中心)
-The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing (香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所)
-The Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division (基督教協基會社會服務部)
-The Comfort Care Concern Group (贐明會)
-The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped (香港弱智人士家長聯會)
-The Salvation Army (救世軍)
-The Society of Rehabilitation & Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (香港善導會)
-Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (東華三院)
-Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation (東華三院戒煙綜合服務中心)
-Variety - the Children's Charity Hong Kong Limited (維樂天)
-Wofoo Social Enterprises (和富社會企業)
-YWCA Y Care (Yau Yat Chuen) (香港基督教女青年會Y Care 青健坊(又一村)
-Yan Oi Tong Limited (仁愛堂)
-Yan Oi Tong Mei Foo Neighbourhood Activity Centre (仁愛堂美孚鄰舍活動中心)
The scheme taught us how we could prepare ourselves to collect relevant data & measure the social impacts, which is very crucial for project development in long run.
Individual coaching is very helpful on designing evaluation scheme
將SIM的知識及技巧帶入機構內, 拉近同工之間的想法。
Self-reflecting learning provides a constructive insight for our programme studying
I will continue to use what I have learnt in class
What, How, Why model, it is because the model is concrete in measuring the impact and allow stakeholders or funders to understand the project
最深刻是L1-L3, 清晰了解怎樣設定指標, 很實用。
To teach us to define levels of indicators, which would better help us justify the rationale of the project.
Teach us to calculate the unit cost, and establish pre/post effectiveness benchmark
Simple tools for measurement and data analysis
Social Return on Investment (SROI): Monetizing of social impacts
Improve the presentation skill and the content of powerpoint after presenting in the class
學懂可以從捐助者角度出發去審視項目, 呈現他們想知道的成效。
Discuss & set the research questions, use an easy way to analyze data
Successful Case Sharing by different ways to look at services effectiveness and to use data to convey social impact