(In alphabetical order)
-1A Group Limited (1a space) ( 1a 空間)
-AKA Social Service (香港仔坊會)
-Agency for Volunteer Service (義務工作發展局)
-Alliance of Ex-mentally Ill of Hong Kong (香港精神康復者聯盟)
-Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (香港展能藝術會)
-Asia Society Hong Kong Center (亞洲協會香港中心)
-Asian Charity Services
-Big Silver Community Limited (大銀力量有限公司)
-Bo Charity Foundation Limited (小寶慈善基金)
-Building Healthy Kowloon Association (BHKCA) (建設健康九龍城協會)
-Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Chai Wan Centre (香港中華基督教青年會柴灣會所)
-Christian Concern for The Homeless Association (基督教關懷無家者協會)
-Christian Family Service Centre (基督教家庭服務中心)
-Codekey Cookies (點字曲奇)
-DADs Network Limited
-Direction Association for The Handicapped (路向四肢傷殘人士協會)
-Enable Foundation Ltd (啟民創社)
-Enlighten Hong Kong Limited (香港啟廸會)
-Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong (基督教香港信義會社會服務部)
-Everbright Concern Action Limited (樂天關懷行動)
-Fantastic Dream Limited (網‧想‧正‧有限公司)
-Fu Hong Society (扶康會)
-Fung Ying Seen Koon Cheung Lung Wai Integrated Service Centre (蓬瀛仙館祥龍圍綜合服務中心)
-HKCCCU Kwong Yum Care Home (香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院)
-HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心)
-Hans Andersen Club Co Ltd (安徒生會)
-Healthy Hong Kong Limited (快樂港仁)
-Helping Hand (伸手助人協會)
-Hok Yau Club (學友社)
-Hong Kong Arts Centre (香港藝術中心)
-Hong Kong Association for AD/HD (專注不足 / 過度活躍症(香港)協會有限公司)
-Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation Limited (童享慈善基金會)
-Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (香港家庭福利會)
-Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (香港傷殘青年協會)
-Hong Kong Playground Association (香港遊樂場協會)
-Hong Kong Rugby Union (香港欖球總會)
-Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf (香港聾人體育總會)
-Hong Kong Student Aids Society (香港學生輔助會)
-Hong Kong Unison Limited (香港融樂會)
-Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service Ltd (香港輪椅輔助隊)
-Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (香港基督教女青年會)
-InnovAGE Team, Christian Family Service Centre (基督教家庭服務中心創老工作室)
-Institute for Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong (香港沃土發展社)
-Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) (賽馬會創意藝術中心)
-Kids4Kids Limited (童協基金會)
-Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service (循道衛理觀塘社會服務處)
-Lee Hysan Foundation (利希慎基金)
-Life Commitment Charity Club Ltd (香港樂心會有限公司)
-Lok Kwan Social Service (樂群社會服務處)
-Mother's Choice (母親的抉擇)
-Nature Bathing (遊沐)
-New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (新生精神康復會)
-Outward Bound Hong Kong (香港外展)
-Rolling Books Limited (滾動的書有限公司)
-S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church District Elderly Community Centre (聖公會聖匠堂長者地區中心)
-Sai Kung District Community Centre (西貢區社區中心)
-Silver Power Intergeneration Volunteer Alliances Limited (「銀色力量」跨代義工聯盟)
-South Kwai Chung Social Service (南葵涌社會服務處)
-Sowers Action (苗圃行動)
-St. James' Settlement (聖雅各福群會)
-Suicide Prevention Services (生命熱線)
-TWGHs Jockey Club Tai Kok Tsui Integrated Services Centre (東華三院賽馬會大角咀綜合服務中心)
-TWGHs Jockey Club Tsin Cheung Day Activity Centre cum Hostel (賽馬會展翔日間活動中心)
-The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing (香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所)
-The Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division (基督教協基會社會服務部)
-The Comfort Care Concern Group (贐明會)
-The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (香港社會服務聯會)
-The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped (香港弱智人士家長聯會)
-The Salvation Army (救世軍)
-The Society of Rehabilitation & Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (香港善導會)
-True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre, Christian Family Service Centre (基督教家庭服務中心真光苑長者地區中心)
-Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (東華三院)
-Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation (東華三院戒煙綜合服務中心)
-Variety - the Children's Charity Hong Kong Limited (維樂天)
-Wofoo Social Enterprises (和富社會企業)
-YWCA Y Care (Yau Yat Chuen) (香港基督教女青年會Y Care 青健坊(又一村)
-Yan Oi Tong Limited (仁愛堂)
-Yan Oi Tong Mei Foo Neighbourhood Activity Centre (仁愛堂美孚鄰舍活動中心)
The scheme taught us how we could prepare ourselves to collect relevant data & measure the social impacts , which is very crucial for project development in long run.
Individual coaching is very helpful on designing evaluation scheme
Bring the knowledge and skills of SIM into the organization to bring the ideas among colleagues closer .
Self-reflecting learning provides a constructive insight for our programme studying
I will continue to use what I have learnt in class
What, How, Why model , it is because the model is concrete in measuring the impact and allow stakeholders or funders to understand the project
The most profound is L1-L3, a clear understanding of how to set indicators , very practical.
To teach us to define levels of indicators , which would better help us justify the rationale of the project.
Teach us to calculate the unit cost , and establish pre/post effectiveness benchmark
Simple tools for measurement and data analysis
You need to think in many ways when doing questionnaires.
Social Return on Investment (SROI): Monetizing of social impacts
Improve the presentation skill and the content of powerpoint after presenting in the class
Learn to examine the project from the perspective of donors and present the effects they want to know.
Discuss & set the research questions, use an easy way to analyze data
Successful Case Sharing by different ways to look at services effectiveness and to use data to convey social impact